U14 Spring Paddling
Spring U14 Paddling $200
Available spots
Service Description
Looking for more time on the water for your child or teenager? Really enjoyed our Summer Camps? New to the sport? Join our Bantam and U14 program. This program runs year-round on and off the water. Small group, after-school paddling sessions from May through to October with a variety of games and exercises all year. Moving off the water, we transition to a multi-sport program to further develop our young athletes for all sports and activities. Activities include: Swimming, Body Movement and Calisthenics, Running, Games, and more! For more information contact Chris Mehak
Cancellation Policy
Dragon Boat Rental: To cancel or reschedule, please contact us 3 business days before your scheduled practice Cancellation Policy: Cancellation of registration will result in a fee equal to 10% of the fee being levied BALMY BEACH CANOE CLUB Member/Parental Acknowledgement and Release (please read and acknowledge your agreement below) 1. I agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the Balmy Beach Canoe Club and I understand that membership is granted only after approval by the club executive. If membership is approved, I understand that fees paid are non-refundable. 2. I understand that the ability to swim competently is essential for the safety of all participants and that the swimming requirement for participation in on-water activity is Red Cross Swim level 6 or equivalent. 3. Periodically, pictures of club members are taken and displayed in brochures, newspapers, the club website etc. I consent to the public use of these pictures. 4. I understand that each member/family (parents with children under 19) registering for a full season program is expected to donate ten (10) hours to club activities throughout the year. High Performance Athletes are required to complete mandatory volunteer and fundraising activities when requested by the Head Coach. 5. Balmy Beach Canoe Club assumes no responsibility for any damages to private boats or the loss of parts. The member is responsible for insurance. 6. To FOREVER RELEASE the Organization and its Affiliates from any and all liability for any and all claims, demands, actions, damages (including direct, indirect, special and/or consequential), losses, actions, judgments, and costs (including legal fees) (collectively, the “Claims”) which I may have or may in the future, that might arise out of, result from, or relate to my participation in the Activities, even though such Claims may have been caused by any manner whatsoever, including but not limited to, the negligence, gross negligence, negligent rescue, omissions, carelessness, breach of contract and/or breach of any statutory duty of care of the Organization or its Affiliates; 7. I am also aware that my participation in the Activities may put me at an elevated risk of contracting or being exposed to viruses or other illnesses that may be present in the general population and/or in public spaces and that I nevertheless choose to participate in the Activities and fully assume the risk of doing so. 8. In consideration of the applicant becoming a member of the Balmy Beach Canoe Club, the undersigned hereby releases and discharges the said Balmy Beach Canoe Club, the Balmy Beach Club, and the board of management of the Balmy Beach Park Commission, their respective directors, staff, agents and others authorized by the Balmy Beach Club from all claims, howsoever caused, that the undersigned or the undersigned’s heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, may have. 9. This authorizes a Club/Team Official of the BALMY BEACH CANOE CLUB to have medical or surgical or dental aid administered to the paddler (myself or my child). This includes the administration of over the counter pain relievers and/or anti-inflammatory medications). I understand that it is my responsibility to keep the club management advised of any change in the above information as soon as possible, and that in the event no one can be contacted club management will admit the paddler (me or my child) to the hospital if deemed necessary.I hereby authorize the physician and nursing staff of any Emergency Unit to undertake examination, investigation and necessary treatment of the paddler (me or my child). 10. (Applicable to parents of underage paddlers only): With my prior approval, this paddler has my permission to participate in any regattas, practices or other activities approved by the Club or its Officials. 11. Due to persisting cold water and air temperatures through the early spring and late fall months, in an effort to maintain a safe environment, all coaches and athletes associated with the Balmy Beach Canoe Club are required to adhere to the following guidelines: • All paddlers, despite their ability, must wear a PFD approved lifejacket from the start of spring training until at least May 1st, during the fall training period from November 1 onwards, and at all other times when the water/air temperature is below 8 degrees Celsius. • All paddlers must be accompanied by a coach(es) and coach boat(s) when on the water. • No paddler should be out of sight of a coach boat at any time. 12. I have read and understand the Release information shown in this form.
Contact Details
10 Ashbridges Bay Park Road, Toronto, ON, Canada